Average Reviews:
(More customer reviews)If you want a general IT book then don't even think about buying this one, despite its title. This is a textbook for college business majors, and looks at things from the business angle.
The book is less suitable for non-student readers. It is geared for use by a lecturer who can draw attention to the important concepts underlying the field of IT, and can steer students to useful supplementary material.
The book races across the surface of the whole field of IT. The authors have packed in a lot of material, but at a cost. The explanations may be good enough for students to answer a quiz about the various buzzwords, but there is not enough space here to cover anything in depth. The students, and you, may be left without a clear idea of what the words really mean.
At the other end of the scale, the book struggles to make plain the broad sweep of IT concepts. Although the authors try hard, ideas tend to get lost amidst the large number of factoids.
One book is never going to be enough to cover all of IT. Your choices are to be more selective about which area you want to learn about, to pick a book which is more clearly aimed at being a simple overview, or to buy this book and work really hard at following up its leads to other material to fill in the gaps.
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Live IT!Information technology lives all around us--in how we communicate, how we do business, how we shop, how we learn, even how we register for classes. Smart phones, iPods, PDAs, and wireless devices dominate our lives, and yet it's all too easy to take information technology for granted.Now, Rainer, Turban, and Potter's Introduction to Information Systems helps make information technology come alive in the classroom. This text takes students where IT lives--in today's businesses and in our daily lives--and helps them understand how valuable information technology is to their future careers. Throughout, the text connects IT to accounting, finance, marketing, human resources, and operations, so students can discover how critical IT is to each functional area and every business.Technology to help students reach their full potentialWileyPLUS provides everything needed to create an environment where students can reach their full potential and experience the exhilaration of academic success.With WileyPLUS, students can:* Interact with engaging activities for each chapter, including simulations and animations that help them visualize IT processes.* Develop IT solutions for a simulated music venue called Club IT.* Come to class better prepared for lectures.* Get immediate feedback and context-sensitive help on assignments and quizzes.* Access a suite of learning resources, including a complete online version of the text.80% of students surveyed said it improved their understanding of the material.76% of students surveyed said it made them better prepared for tests.69% of students surveyed said it helped them get a better grade.Visit www.wiley.com/college/wileyplus or contact your Wiley representative for more information.
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