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(More customer reviews)Tami Hoag has revisited one of my favorite characters, Elena Estes, from DARK HORSE. I liked her gutsy in your face style, and her total committment to justice. Her integrety and solid true blue personality are and were captivating to me. This is one of the best books I have read in quite a while.
Elena Estes lives in the guest house of one of her friends who owns a stable and horses in Palm Springs. She lives on disability from the Sheriff's Dept because she was dragged under a pick-up truck while on a bust. She had jumped the gun and one of her friends and co-workers was killed. The bust had gone terribly wrong. If you read DARK HORSE you already know this. Elena has lost much, her job, her friends and her peace of mind. She has slowly healed her body but her guilt never leaves her mind.
Elena is exercising one of the horses belonging to her friend when she discovers the body of the other groom from her stable. Irina has been missing for two days and her body is found floating in a canal; as Elena and Detective Landrey watch an alligator attacks the corpse.
Landrey has allowed himself to fall in love with Elena and with her cynical outlook she has pushed him away. As he works on the case he finds she is a very valuable silent partner.
The story is graphic, with grab you by the throat action and dialogue. A group of wealthy men are the last to see Irina alive. They believe they are entitled to anything they want and no one has a right to question them. They are all wealthy socalite men from the highest ranks of the polo playing crowd. If one needs an alibi they need only call.
The tension is tight and when the steel of justice meets the injustice of patronage and favoritisim Palm Springs will take notice.
This was a stunner and I had no clue who did it until the end of the book. Which clearly showed the importance of wealth and station compared to an everyday average person. Do not miss it. It could have been torn from the headlines today.
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